Thank you for visiting St. Paul A.M.E. Church located in Covington, GA. We meet every Sunday morning at 9:30am.
Come join us! So we can get to know you better as we study God's word together.
We have various small groups and Bible studies that meet throughout the week, and there is always something going on around the church. Come by sometime soon and connect with us for a lot more details! In the meantime, feel free to click around and find out all about us. We look forward to seeing you soon, and to getting to know you better!

Moved and filled by God’s spirit, Reverend Dr. Terrence A. Evans finds tremendous joy in gleaning from, living out, and sharing the Gospel message. Rev. Dr. Evans was licensed to preach at First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Atlanta, Georgia in 2007, and ordained as an Itinerant Deacon in May 2010 and an Itinerant Elder in May 2012 in the Atlanta-North Georgia Annual Conference under the leadership of the late Bishop William Phillips DeVeaux. As an intentional social service provider, teacher, intergenerational communicator, and social justice advocate, Dr. Evans has dedicated his life to serving, which is evidenced in his ministry, professional, and personal life.
A native of Miami, Florida, raised and groomed in the community of Opa-Locka, Rev. Evans was educated in the Miami-Dade Public School System. After graduating from Miami Northwestern Senior High School, he continued his educational pursuits at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia where he was a scholar-athlete earning varsity letters as a member of the Panthers Men’s Basketball Team. Upon graduation, Dr. Evans worked for Fulton County Government’s Human Services Department for eighteen years. During these years serving people experiencing episodic homelessness, Rev. Evans answered his call to ministry.
Dr. Evans served as a steward, class-leader, and youth pastor, prior to his first pastoral appointment to St. Paul AME Church in Dallas, GA on May 21, 2010. With calm demeanor, keen awareness, and effective leadership skills, Pastor Terrence, as many refer to him as, has effectively served in a myriad of ministry roles, working to infuse innovative ministry concepts into the rich historical tapestry of the congregations and communities he’s served. On October 21, 2016, Dr. Evans was transferred to the Southwest Annual Conference by Bishop Reginald T. Jackson and appointed as pastor of Greater Ward Chapel AME in Columbus, GA. While serving in the Southwest Annual Conference, Dr. Evans held various pertinent positions that bolstered his capacity as a leader. He served The Southwest Annual Conference as a member and financial secretary of The Board of Trustees, Chair of the Ministerial Efficiency Committee, Finance Team Secretary, Sunday School Superintendent, and lead for the committees reporting on the State of the Country and Ministerial Classification.
Additionally, Dr. Evans was the Financial Secretary for the Southwest Conference Board of Examiners, where he also taught the Class on Second Year Studies. Further, Dr. Evans served as Chair of The Central District’s Committee on Preacher’s to The Southwest Annual Conference and as The Central District’s Finance Chair and later Finance Secretary. After dutifully serving in the Southwest Conference as pastor and ministry leader, Dr. Evans was appointed to St. Paul AME Church-Covington, GA on June 2, 2023, returning to the Atlanta North Annual Conference. In addition to working ecclesiastically, Dr. Evans serves the community as a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated. He has also volunteered with local civic organizations, non-profit organizations, in schools, and as an advisory board member of a non-profit with a mission of ending sex-trafficking.
As both a servant and scholar, Rev. Dr. Evans has an undergraduate degree from Georgia State University, a Master of Divinity Degree from Turner Theological Seminary at The Interdenominational Theological Center (The ITC), both in Atlanta, Georgia. Rev. Evans also holds an earned Doctor of Ministry Degree, with a focus on Leadership and Preaching, from United Theological Seminary in Dayton Ohio.
Dr. Evans is a devoted husband to his lovely wife, and partner in ministry, Tonika. He and his wife are the very proud parents of three children, Errenous Savon, Amani Saadiq, and Aidan Salim.
Rev. Dr. Evans loves God and God’s people, and counts it all joy to serve the present age.
Saint Paul has faced a lot of challenges, rewards and accomplishments during our time. St. Paul AME Church, Covington, started 13 years after the Civil War in 1878. We built our first church on land that was donated by Mr. L. Bates, who was a successful blacksmith in the community.
About 1900, our church was lost to fire and most of the church records were destroyed. A year later, our faithful forefathers and foremothers rebuilt the church and a parsonage for the pastor on the original site.
Two years later, fire destroyed our church again. This time, both the church and the parsonage were lost. The church was rebuilt again in 1902 and was dedicated by Bishop Henry McNeal Turner.
Years later, our church was lost to fire and most of the church records were destroyed. A year later, our faithful forefathers and foremothers rebuilt the church and a parsonage for the pastor on the original site. Two years later, fire destroyed our church again. This time, both the church and the parsonage were lost. The church was rebuilt again in 1902 and was dedicated by Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. During all 142 years of our existence, we were honored to be led and guided by a number of Pastors, Presiding Elders and Bishops in our faith walk.
The marble-top table, which stands in the vestibule, was purchased by the first Trustee Board of record in 1904. In the years between 1929-1939, which were known as “The Great Depression”, we were faced with downward economy and other issues, such as KKK, Jim Crow and high unemployment. During this time, Sister Clark purchased and donated the first church piano. Ms. Clark was the oldest member of the church, and could not read or write. In 1929, our Pastor, Rev. C. K. King was elected principal of the Washington Street Public School.
As we move to the 1950’s, our church continued to move forward and reached national attention by receiving Third Place (3rd) Award in a Sears & Roebuck Church Improvement Contest. Pastor G. N. Jones was featured in the 1955 Edition of Ebony Magazine. The 1960’s and 1970’s brought new achievements and problems for St. Paul and the community. As we moved from segregation to integration, our schools changed, our communities started changing also, but St. Paul helped us move forward during these turbulent times. We held nightly meetings at our church with SCLC to help improve our community. St. Paul was the first church to become a permanent registration site for Newton County voters. We share with our community members who have become Lawyers, Doctors, Dentists, College Professors, Teachers, Business Professionals and Politicians. We have also watched St Paul reach celebrity status in many episodes of “In the Heat of the Night” and “I’ll Fly Away”.
In 2013, St. Paul continued to move onward to a new location from Stone Mountain Street to Brown Bridge Road, where we purchased 11.4 acres of land. Today, we are constantly adding on and improving our church by remembering our past, facing the present and preparing for the future. We have come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, trusting in his Holy Word, he’s never failed us yet!
Pastors that Served at Saint Paul, Covington
Reverend Bellsaw 1878 (Founder) Reverend R.J. Jefferson 1913-1919
Reverend L.A. Townsley 1902-1908 Reverend R.E. Romans 1919-1921
Reverend J.T. Johnson 1908-1909 Reverend G.W. Washington 1921-1922
Reverend P.G. Simmons 1909-1910 Reverend W.M. West 1922-1924
Reverend J.R. Gardner 1910-1911 Reverend A.C. Danford 1924-1926
Reverend A.B. Gibson 1911-1912 Reverend J.P Woodard 1926-1928
Reverend G.B. Jackson 1912-1913
Reverend C.K. Knight 1928-1936 Reverend M.B. McClendon 1961-1962
Reverend G.L. Mays Appointed 1936 Reverend D.W. Jabcobs 1962-1963
Reverend L.A. Stroud 1936 Reverend J.F. Booker 1963-1964
Reverend C.S. Hunter, Jr. 1936-1937 Reverend R.H. Kelley 1964-1965
Reverend Corlas May 1937-1939 Reverend O.J. Thornton 1965-1967
Reverend C.G. Gissentanner 1939-1941 Reverend J.T. Robinson 1967-1968
Reverend W.P. Foley 1941-1942 Reverend L.T. Howell 1968-1976
Reverend J.W. Gunn 1942-1943 Reverend W.F. Few 1976-1983
Reverend F.R. Harris 1943-1945 Reverend C.R. James 1983-1986
Reverend J.C. Miller 1945-1951 Reverend Dr. Roosevelt Morris 1986-1988
Reverend J.W. Archibald 1951-1952 Reverend Charlie Tatmon 1988-1991
Reverend G.N. Jones 1952-1958 Reverend C.W. Williams 1991-1995
Reverend J.S. Horton 1959-1960 Reverend A.H. Hall, Jr. 1995-2005
Reverend Thomas R. Stegall 2006-2021
Reverend Dr. Lewis Logan II 2021 - Present